The beach walks with a mild wind are desirable.
Saturday, January 15
Corona alarm
With a loud siren, an ambulance pulls into the driveway. And the idyll is over: a positive Corona newcomer causes initial chaos. He is immediately isolated. In general, the Corona rules are impressive. Employees rotate on a 14-day basis and stay overnight at the resort during this period of duty. None are allowed home – the risk of infection in the crowded buses is too great. After 2 weeks, they are rotated. But now the Sands becomes an isolation ward for the area. The doctors are well prepared, a room with emergency equipment has been set up for weeks.

The shock in the morning: with a loud siren, an ambulance pulls into the driveway.

A new home is waiting for us.
Moving to the familiar Barberyn Reef
We pack our bags and move – to the Reef. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Feels like coming home. The beach is nicer at the Sands, the resort is smaller and more personal, the dining room is so nice and airy, and the apartments – one bungalow half each – are bigger. But at the Reef there is the wonderful basin formed by the beach and the reef. We always swim there at 7 in the morning in the warm calm waters. Afterwards we take a beach walk, because there is a wonderful sandy beach here also – only it is a little smaller. In addition, the Reef has a large pool. Reading on the lounger in the afternoon – there’s something to it. While we were 4 guests at the Sands, there are about 30 here. So far from fully booked – bad for the resort – but for the guests an absolute luxury, thanks to Corona. Tonight we are allowed to eat the menu again. After 2 days of fasting, rice soup and toast, the aroma really knocks you out!

breathtaking nature
At the Medical Center this morning, I had a moving moment. All the female Health employees squatted in the entrance area and chanted a kind of meditative litany. Kind of like a morning prayer. Before the massage begins, there is always a moment of contemplation. Even our young catholic doctor ends her diagnosis with an ohm chant. I think this explains the infinite kindness, devotion and gentleness with which I am met here.
You want to know more about my stay? Here it goes to day 4!

Our walks along the beach became a ritual.